Charlotte Mason valued time and recognized its limitations. This Q&A episode considers three questions regarding time: use of scheduling cards to develop a timetable for multiple ages, how to handle a child who cannot tolerate book work for much time, and, last but not least, how a mother can possibly manage all her responsibilities in the time she has.
Charlotte Mason believed children are born persons and this podcast
honors a very special person and her family. Liz Cottrill interviews
Amy Fields, mother of a "full care child," whose handicaps seem
insurmountable but whose spirit is indomitable. Enjoy this interview
to hear how Charlotte Mason's method applies to a child the world
would consider uneducable.
The subject of composition perplexes because Charlotte Mason required it and yet discouraged its instruction. How does a teacher abide by her principles and fulfill these requirements? This episode analyzes her principles of writing skill and instruction and traces its
development through the forms.
Charlotte Mason left us her wisdom in her extensive writings, but this
podcast episode specifically addresses the further wealth of
information available through the CMDC--The Charlotte Mason Digital
Collection. The ADE ladies explain how the preserved and archived
documents and pictures from Miss Mason's House of Education can aid, inspire, and clarify the practice of the principles. Listen for a
detailed description of how you, too, can become a treasure hunter and bring past knowledge to enlighten your own understanding.