Today's Charlotte Mason podcast episode is an interview with Min Hwang, a homeschooling mom who has taken her enthusiasm for and knowledge of the Charlotte Mason method outside her own homeschooling circle to parents in traditional educational settings. You will be inspired to hear how she shares the beauty of Ms. Mason's simple truths with parents in all walks of life that have children in public and private schools. Min's fervent love for God and trust in Mason's sound Biblical principles of parenting and educating is bringing hope to parents in all settings. She shares practical tips for you to consider how to approach all parents with our common desire to raise children to know God, be the persons He has created them to be, and be confident in their role as parents.
A special interview from A Delectable Education: how does a Charlotte
Mason education work when your child has dyslexia? Mitchell Williams,
son of ADE's Nicole Williams, shares his experience as a dyslexic child about to graduate from his CM homeschool years and head out into the world.
Charlotte Mason's method of education was taught over a hundred years ago and A Delectable Education's podcast this week reiterates its relevance for the twenty-first century educator and student. After an introduction by Emily, Liz, and Nicole stating their reasons for
holding to Mason's philosophy, Art Middlekoff reads his own criteria
for determining which new ideas and applications are authentic to her
method and how and why to dismiss those that are not.