Charlotte Mason's feast spreads to include the subject of architecture. A Delectable Education podcast this week is an interview with Sandra Zuidema who has discovered the joy of exploring the ideas in architecture, its history, people, structures and culture and shares ways she has introduced this to her children.
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"But any sketch of the history teaching in Forms V and VI in a given period depends upon a notice of the 'literature' set; for plays, novels, essays, 'lives,' poems, are all pressed into service and where it is possible, the architecture, painting, etc., which the period produced." (Vol. 6, pp. 177-178)
"We do what is possible to introduce children to Architecture; and we practise clay-modelling and the various artistic handicrafts, but there is nothing unusual in our work in these directions." (Vol. 6, p. 217)
"I shall touch later upon the burning question of a curriculum which shall furnish children, not with dry bones of fact, but with fact clothed upon with the living flesh, breathed into by the vital spirit of quickening ideas." (Vol. 3, p. 124)
If you would like to study along with us, here are some passages from The Home Education Series and other Parent's Review articles that would be helpful for this episode's topic. You may also read the series online
here, or get the free Kindle version
from Fisher Academy.
An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education (Volume 6), Book I, Chapter 10, Section II: Art
Filippo's Dome, Rockwell Story of Architecture, Waterhouse Child's History of Art, Hiller Architecture Shown to the Children, Wynne Concise History of Western Architecture, Jordan (Contains affiliate links)
In a Large Room Retreat Golden Hours of Delight Retreat Charlotte Mason Institute The Duomo, Florence Chartres Cathedral Flying Buttresses Rose Windows Amiens Cathedral Hagia Sophia, Istanbul